Weekend filmowy: Dzień pierwszy

Weekend filmowy: Dzień pierwszy

# A weekend of film-related training. On the first day of the workshop, you will be able to learn the ins and outs of film production from Mark Hucz of the Darwin Film Group, including the basics of storytelling and scriptwriting, production planning, advertising production and the use of social media. The topic of characterisation will also be addressed by Dorota Spaczyńska. Dorota, known by her stage name Dorota's Freaks, will talk about the step-by-step process of making up a fantasy character for a film, from design to final touches, as well as why make-up artists always have a supply of plaster with them and what platinum has to do with silicone. You will also be able to see how professional special make-up elements are applied and how to make the viewer stop seeing the actor and see the character.